Affective as of August 2021 The Latest Greatest New Learning Experiences – HomeSchooled Learning Pods; where small groups of children distance learn together. Your very own customized field trip. Fanshawe Nursery Ltd. A Day In The Country facility is available for HomeSchool Learning Pods engaging in a multitude of education, healing, and personal growth experience led by Mary Hooydonk registered with Canadian Horticulture Therapy Association. Pods: 4-6 Children (accompanied by adults) 12 person maximum/Pod
Minimum of 4 Children/Pod
Date/Time: Mondays through Saturday – 9:00am – 11:30am (2 ½ hour learning time) Cost: $15.00 per Child
For more information on our new HomeSchooled Learning Pods, and to head over to our Learning Pods page.